------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disk No 314 C Source #1 v1 DS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Everyone needs a grep function. If you dont have one here is a good one for yoy regardless of whice C compiler you use. Also includes XENIX whice is a very nice set of disk I/O routines that support all the DOS features and UNLUMP to help build larger C programs. C86MOD DOC How to make c86 programs return status to DOS 2.0 bat files C86SAMPL BAT Batch file to run c86 compiler CASYNC ASM C interface to serial port.Includes XON XOFF buffered input CC C C program that does the same thing as C86SAMPL.BAT ! CC EXE CC.C ready to run CLS C C program to clear screen CPRGRMS1 BAT Copies all the files on this diskette to another disk CPRGRMS1 DOC Short descption of the files on this disk CPRGRMS2 DOC " " CRC C Does CRC error checking on blocks of data CSYSINT ASM Nice interface between Lattic C and all the 8088 interupts GETSEG-C ASM Gets vaule for all the segment registors GREP C GREP for Lattice C GREP C86 GREP for C86 GREP DOC GREP manual IOS1-20 ASM DOS disk I/O for Lattice C CREAT,OPEN,CLOSE,READ,WRIT,LSEEK KERMITPC C Reliable file transfer over unreliable I/O channels also KERMITPC HLP lets pc emmulate a TTY termial. Documentation on KERMIT LEJ_LIB C Routines to count words ect, ASCII hex conversion ect. LOCATE C C routine to position cursor on screen LUMP C Lump a group of files together MEMCLEAN C Zeros memory to avoid parity checks MEMCLEAN DOC Documentation on MEMCLEAN MOVMEML ASM C callable function to move memory NAMES C Shows how to Access disk from C RANDOM ASM Random number generator for C RANDOM C Test for RANDOM.ASM SETPRTR C Setup the parameters for EPSON printers SQ C86 Squeeze a text file into less space SWITCH C86 Change display type SWITCH1 C Change display mode TPRINT C Prints files with page numbers headers ect. TPRINT DOC Documentation for TPRINT TYPESQ C86 Type a squeezed file UNLUMP C Seperate lumped files USQ C86 Unsqueeze a text file XC C Cross reference utility for C programs XC DOC Documtation for XC XC EXE XC ready to run XENIX ASM Source code for OPEN READ WRITE ect. supports full path names XENIX OBJ XENIX ready to link. Lattic C PC Software Interest Group (PC-SIG) 1030 E Duane, Suite J Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 730-9291 eady to link. Lattic C